General FLL Links
FIRST LEGO League (this years challenge)
NEEDS UPDATING FIRST STEM Discovery Hub – everything you need to guide your team to a successful first season
Starting a Team
Start a team – everything you need to know to start an FLL team
FLL Tutorials – A wonderful resources to share information between teams. Lots of great resources!
Schoolology (FIRST Steps) – Recommended for new coaches, these online modules will help you plan activities for your meetings. Request access here.
Mr M’s Robotics – book and power points for EV3 Programming.
STEMRobotics – a repository for education materials using robotics for technology and engineering education (including computer science). Requires free account.
EV3Lessons – another great resource for teaching EV3 programming. This website has very short power points for each subject so you can build your own course. It also has worksheets and other downloads.
Domabot – simple and fast to build NXT and EV3 robots (although the robots are a bit wide for the FLL competition it is a great robot to introduce your team to NXT/EV3s, quick to build so they can start learning programming quickly)
Mastering Lego Robots/ – Tutorials and hints on FLL Robotics.
Builderdude35 – EV3 Tutorials
Other Programming Languages
Lego Engineering – here is a list of alternative programming languages for Lego Mindstorms. It also contains links to obtain the software.
Lego Software Downloads [note: the gyro, sonar and sound sensor blocks have to be downloaded and installed separately (links on the same page as the software).
NEEDS UPDATING Lego Video Tutorials
Lego Education Lesson Plans – Thousands of lesson plans for all the Lego Bots (WeDo, EV3, Spike). Best to filter by “Product”
[Do you have a website that you and/or your team found extremely useful? Share it with others! Send your suggestions to]