West Tennessee
FIRST LEGO League Challenge

FIRST® Senior Mentor of West Tennessee featured by FIRST® HQ

On February 28, 2021, FIRST® was also celebrating Black History Month where Mr. Randall C. Phillips was one of our African American (FIRST Senior Mentors) FSMs featured in their Social Media series. Phillips is our FSM covering Western TN, Eastern AR, & Northern MS for 3 years.

On February 16, 2021, Mr. Phillips also took part as a panelist in the FIRST® Innovation Challenge Expert Education Series, Episode 5 which aired on the same date. This was done LIVE and Recorded for reviewing now. Phillips is a very proud to be apart of both!!!

FIRST Innovation Challenge – https://info.firstinspires.org/innovation-content-series
Direct Link – https://info.firstinspires.org/hubfs/MK%20Innovation%20Challenge/Content%20Series/FIRST%20Innovation%20Challenge%20Expert%20Education%20Series,%20Episode%205.mp4

Mr. Phillips is a Business Mentor to a FIRST® Tech Challenge Robotics Team as well as a FIRST® Robotics Competition Team for 12 years. Presently and for the last 5 years, Phillips is coaching a FIRST® LEGO® League Explore Robotics Team and FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge Robotics Team. Mr. Phillips also Instructs in coding & programming as a Teaching Assistant, plus he assists his Curriculum and Instruction Manager at CodeCrew. Lastly, Mr. Phillips is also a contract Instructor for YWCA of Greater Memphis teaching software and computer skills. FIRST, CodeCrew, & YWCA are all non-profit organizations.

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(Science, Technology, Reading/wRiting, Engineering, Mathematics)
Robotics all wrapped inside!!!