West Tennessee
FIRST LEGO League Challenge

Championship News Update #1


We have done the initial PIT MAP for the championship. We have tried to group teams from the same school together, but if we missed something, please let us know by using the “Contact Us” form to the right (in the form, please list all the team numbers from your school…thanks).

Also the championship handbook will be available soon. It will be emailed to the coaches and will have info about the venue, food, parking, etc. Please watch for this in your inbox. We hope to have it done by the time school is back in session in January.

Lastly, should also be receiving a request to confirm your team is coming to championship. Please fill that out so we know your team is coming (and if you are not, this would open a slot for another alternate team to attend).

You will need permission forms or a printed team roster from FIRST for the event (just like the qualifiers). If you turned in paper copies and did not keep a copy for yourself, please have the parents fill out another for the championship (sorry we cannot return the ones turned in at qualifiers).